About Us

Location: 1150 Mt. Sopris Drive Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 970-384-5400 970-384-5420 Bilingual 970-384-5405 Fax Principal: David Lindenberg 970-384-5401 Assistant Principal: Carrie Hassel 970-384-5402

Our School

Sopris Elementary School is a neighborhood school located in the beautiful town of Glenwood Springs, and we serve students in preschool through fifth grade. At Sopris, we believe together we can reach, teach, and inspire all students to excellence.

About Us
  • Sopris Elementary School serves about 400 students in grades PreK-5 in Glenwood Springs.
  • Sopris Elementary students thrive in a learning environment that fosters academic, social, and emotional growth.
  • We offer STEM/Library, Music, Art & PE daily.
  • We offer CLDE for emerging bilingual students.
  • We offer a Gifted&Talented program P.E.A.K. for qualified students.
Our Approach to Learning
  • Sopris Elementary is a neighborhood school that offers strong academic rigor and growth opportunities for all students.
  • SES provides students with authentic learning experiences that engage students in activities they find meaningful and relevant.
  • Extra Activities include Chess Club, Bel Canto, Girls on the Run, Aspen Strings, Nordic Rocks
  • The school partners with parents and community to ensure the success of every student.
Our School Culture
  • At SES, we value relationships, hard work, and diversity.
  • The SES PTA group does a FUNdrun in the Fall, a Spring Carnival and meets monthly.
  • We use restorative practices to foster an inclusive, equitable, culturally respectful, and safe school for all students and their families.
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